Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Thankful for You, Vitas

There are many things that I'm thankful for, this holiday season. There's being home with my family, there's the multitude of Thanksgiving feasts, there's the drinking binges with old friends, there's the sight of my now-toothless (but no longer purple) dog, and there's the wonder and awe of Vitas: the Soprano with the heart of gold from Russia. Unless you're a 19 year-old male who enjoys getting really baked and watching ridiculous videos on YouTube (like my brother) you're probably not aware of the wonder that is Vitas - and far be it from me to hold you in suspense any longer:

They claim he's just a Soprano and not a Castrato, but I'll let you be the judge. Personally, I don't think it's possible for any man with a full set of manly bits to hit notes that high, but I suppose stranger things have happened. Like Russia actually embracing this guy and loving his music. 

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