Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So tomorrow the Conficker virus is supposed to hit (Ha! Get it! Happy April Fool's Day! God it's so genius to do something unfunny on a funny day! How original!) and despite taking all the steps to keep my computer clean and safe (and scanning it like 4 times with 4 different programs to make sure the virius isn't already lying dormant, ready to turn my computer into a zombie machine tomorrow, omfg) I still feel like my computer's gonna crash and burn. Murphy's Law of Computers applies to me - Whatever can go wrong with my laptop, Will go wrong with my laptop. It's a terrible shame.

So, alas, if tonight is the last night my Dell Inspiron 1505 will pseudo-live, then adieu, darling. You were mostly great while you lasted, despite that 6 month period where you didn't want to work and wouldn't start, and the whole battery issue where the battery died then the new one fried itself, and the viruses, and all the rest. Goodnight, sweet prince.


Me said...

Considering all the porn sites I visit on my PC I will be surprised if it is spared during this online holocust. It will be fiiting since I've never paid for all the porn I've collected over the years, which is systematically deleted once it looks like I've got OCD. I don't know if I have a problem with porn or just a problem with hoarding things.

Hm. This comment wasn't supposed to be about my mental condition. Goddamnit!

Chelsea said...

Hahah well I hope you didn't lose your porn collection on the 1st!