I used to be able to party nonstop for days at a time, with only a few hours of sleep here and there to keep me running, but it seems like that peaked somewhere around the age of 21. Now, at the ripe old age of 23, it takes quite a few days to recover from a week of drinking, smoking, and eating far too much. Hence the reason I've been in bed for two days now, drinking copious amounts of water to rehydrate myself and wondering when the spinning sensation will finally stop.
It's hard to believe that it's already 2009. This means I graduated from college two years ago, graduated from high school six years ago, and graduated from the preschool in which we found out my teacher was actually a dominatrix with ads in the Phoenix twenty years ago. TWENTY YEARS AGO. I wonder where Miss Jenna is now, and whether she still has a taste for leather.
Leather-wielding preschool teachers aside, I think 2009 is going to be a good year. I've already made up a list of Resolutions, and I intend to at least stick with them for a month. Preferably several, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
- Move
- Cut out 99% of the junk food I still try to sneak
- Work out every day, regardless of ovarian issues
- Thoroughly enjoy the decriminalization of weed in Mass
So far, so good. I wanted to add in "Be a better person" and "Don't judge others (quite so much)" but one step at a time here, people. I am only human.
In addition, there are several things coming up in 2009 that I'm positively gleeful about:
- My Bloody Valentine in 3-D
- Officially hitting my mid-twenties and not having a complete breakdown
- The Lost season 5 premiere
- Thoroughly enjoying the decriminalization of weed in Mass
See? I'm already making strides.
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