Friday, January 16, 2009

The Plague

So it would appear I have The Plague (and yes, that deserves to be capitalized.) Everyone at work has it, so of course two days after I start, I end up looking - and feeling - like the walking dead. Here's a picture of us at lunch time, so you can get a better idea of how we look:

Don't I look cute in my blue button down?

I've been living off of turkey soup, water, and tea for the past three days, and I'm actually surprised that at this point, I'm not rolling everywhere. I didn't think it was possible for someone to consume this much liquid, but I guess you learn something new every day. 

I've been sucking down DayQuil and NightQuil as needed, but seeing as I actually have Bronchitis, it's really not doing all that much. Sure, I'm a little more alert for an hour or so, but the whole time I'm still grossing everyone out by attempting to hack up both of my lungs. I can't breathe anyway, so I may as well get rid of them. 

And, of course, I was just bragging two weeks ago about how I haven't been sick in soooo long. Yeah, that'll teach me. Mouth, meet foot. 

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